video | More than 2 crore vaccinations today, but what about tomorrow?

India achieved the vaccination target of over 2 crore doses in a single day on the…

video | Government targets vaccination record on PM’s birthday on Friday

India’s next big daily Covid vaccination record – after 88.09 lakh on June 21 and 1.03…

Bihar government will launch massive COVID vaccination campaign on PM Modi’s birthday, says Nitish Kumar. India News – Times of India

Patna: Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar On Monday, his government will launch a massive vaccination…

Ludhiana DC congratulates residents for reaching 20.75 lakh mark in COVID vaccination campaign. Ludhiana News – Times of India

Ludhiana: Congratulations to the people of Ludhiana district on getting 20.75 lakh marks covid vaccination campaignDeputy…