How clearing your credit card debt improves your CIBIL score

Clearing your credit card debt in full usually improves your CIBIL score. It shows responsible credit…

RBI’s credit card curbs are a classic case of ‘prevention is better than cure’

The Indian economy has been doing well, with three consecutive quarters of 8%-plus growth so far…

7 hidden tips on how to use credit card effectively

The fusion of layered security and appealing perks can undoubtedly instill a potent “swipe now, think…

How can I pay off my personal loans and credit card debt on time?

Q. I’m Namrata, recently employed by a software company. I find it challenging to strike a…

2023 year in review: 7 tell-tale signs of the debt trap you have entangled yourself in this year

Recognizing the perils of irresponsible borrowing and the pitfalls of debt becomes crucial. Though debt is…

3 ways to review your year-end credit card statement

Why not begin by reviewing your credit card summary, which provides an overview of all the…

Learning from Evelyn’s financial mistakes: How to handle sudden monetary gains?

Despite Evelyn’s fortune in winning the lottery twice, the impact was not quite what one might…

How do I manage my credit card debt?

DDuring the COVID-19 lockdown, financial difficulties became widespread, and managing credit card debt was a common…

Upper middle class being squeezed

Mark Yu had a profitable pandemic. Like many Americans, he added to his savings and made…

Using credit cards can translate into unwanted debt; Here’s How You Can Avoid

There is so much hype and fear surrounding credit cards that some have even gone to…