How does regular credit card usage affect your credit score over time?

So you have your credit card and your bank has given you an offer of some…

How do personal loans affect your CIBIL score?

Personal loans can have both positive and negative effects on your CIBIL score, depending on how…

How to improve CIBIL score in the long term? Here are six strategies

Improving your CIBIL score in the long-term calls for consistent effort and responsible financial habits. These…

What are the different ways to access your credit report?

Individuals can access their credit reports through a number of means, primarily through credit bureaus authorised…

Maxed out your credit card? 5 consequences it may have

When you use the entire credit limit of your credit card, you are believed to have…

Mistakes in your credit report? Follow these 6 key steps to get them rectified

Getting mistakes on your credit report rectified is important to maintain your financial health. For example,…

Credit score: The pros and cons of debt consolidation

Debt consolidation enables borrowers to consolidate all the loans into a new loan so as to…