Want to live longer? rest more

Older adults may have a reduced risk of death from any cause, as well as a…

For a couple on healthy up to 10, they were the same:

According to a survey during the rainy season, moderate…

Morning Digest: States consider options for changes in IAS cadre rules; Investigative agencies say pro-Khalistan elements trying to revive terrorism in Punjab, and more

The central government is planning to acquire itself to do away with the need to seek…

Kolkata sees dramatic drop in daily COVID-19 cases, restrictions are eased

West Bengal, especially its capital Kolkata, has seen a dramatic drop in the number of daily…

No person can be forced to get vaccinated against his will: Center to Supreme Court

The Center in its affidavit has filed this in response to a petition by NGO Evara…

Revised guidelines for home isolation of COVID-19 patients

Seven-page guidelines state that patients should seek medical attention if severe signs or symptoms occur People…