DBS Bank hikes FD rates by up to 100 bps and offers up to 8% on tenure

interest rates on fixed deposits under 2 crore has been raised in DBS Bank India. In…

DBS Bank India hikes FD rates by up to 7.25% for tenures of 376 to 600 days

DBS Bank India has increased its interest rates on fixed deposits of less than 2 crores.…

DBS Bank revises interest rates on FDs, offers up to 7.75% on 600 days tenure

interest rate on fixed deposits under 2 crore has been revised thanks to DBS Bank. As…

DBS Bank revises interest rates on retail fixed deposits: Now get up to 6.50%

Interest Rates on Fixed Deposits under DBS Bank has raised Rs 2 crore. The official website…

DBS Bank hikes FD rates by 20-150 bps. Check out the new interest rates here

DBS Bank hikes FD rates by 20-150 bps. Check out the new interest…