China shuts down city of 4.5 million as Delta grows again – Times of India

China locked down a city of 4.5 million people in the southeastern province of Fujian after…

Covid 19: Greek experts approve booster Covid-19 shot for people over 60, vulnerable – Times of India

Athens: Greece Will provide Kovid-19 booster vaccine to vulnerable groups from Tuesday, Ministry of Health Experts…

UK COVID Vaccine for Children: UK Health Heads Recommend COVID Jobs for 12-15 Year Olds World News – Times of India

London: All Children Should be offered to those between 12 and 15 years of age, but…

Study shows Delta does not cause more severe childhood Covid – Times of India

WASHINGTON: US Pediatric Covid hospitalizations have increased since delta became prominent, but a new study that…

New Covid-19 variant shows signs of resistance to ‘mu’ vaccines: WHO – Times of India

Geneva: World Health Organization has said it is closely monitoring the new coronavirus variant of the…