XE, DeltaCron under close scrutiny: Maha COVID-task force expert on recombinants

With Mumbai reporting the first case of XE, a more transmissible COVID-19 variant, earlier this week,…

WHO warns of Omicron+Delta recombinant as study finds first concrete evidence

As a recent study found the first concrete evidence for delta and omicron recombinant viruses, the…

DeltaCron reports in the UK: Experts on the COVID strain link Delta, Omicron

DeltaCron reports in the UK: Experts on the COVID strain that combines Delta and Omicron, its…

‘Deltakron’ likely result of lab error, not a worrying new form: experts

An alleged hybrid coronavirus mutation called “Deltakron” discovered in a Cyprus laboratory is the result of…

Kostrikis: Cypriot scientist reports strain linking Delta and Omicron – Times of India

a strain of covid-19 that adds delta And omicron Found in Cyprus, according to Leondios KostrikisProfessor…

Deltakron, new strain that combines Delta, Omicron, found in Cyprus

“Currently Omicron and Delta are co-infections,” said the professor at the University of Cyprus. According to…

Is the New DeltaCron COVID Version Genuine? What do scientists say? read here

as dub’deltacron’, the new COVID-19 strain that combines symptoms of both the Delta variant and the…