Expand the topic of nutrition for adolescent girls

‘What further complicates the situation is that many factors influence nutritional intake in adolescent girls’. photo…

India is unable to match China in terms of technical talent

In a historic change, India is set to overtake China to become the world’s most populous…

Most populous India could be more of a boon than a curse

China is expected to hand over the command of the most populous country to India by…

India should not be surprised at its old age

India is now the world’s largest country by population—or, at least, it will be at some…

reap the demographic dividend

India needs to invest in healthcare along with quality school and higher education India needs to…

Waiting for jobs: Hindu editorial on Narendra Modi government’s plan to recruit 10 lakh personnel in 18 months

Centre’s decision to recruit personnel to fill vacancies is indicative of rising unemployment issue Centre’s decision…

Women Who Disappeared in Our Demographic Dividend

Rich middle-aged Indian men make small talk in their drawing room over a cup of tea,…

Can India’s demographic dividend turn into a liability? read here

new Delhi A report released on Sunday highlighted that India’s demographic dividend will become a liability…

Harvesting India’s demographic dividend

The development of a nation requires the productive contribution of all sections of the society, especially…

Elders are assets, not dependents

The proof of a truly developed country lies in the fact that it not only nurtures…