DGCI approves market authorization for Covax as heterologous booster dose

Official sources told PTI on Monday that the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has granted…

Condition to spoil Bharat Biotech’s quality for brains: Sources

Bharat Biotech Kovid Vaccine for 12-18 Year Olds New Delhi: DCGI to World Health Scientist Pharma…

Jhunjhunwala-backed Akasa orders 72 Boeing 737 MAX jets

Akasa Air on Tuesday ordered 72 Boeing 737 MAX jets worth nearly $9 billion at list…

New pharma sector laws should focus on reforms

Over the years, India has been a major source of manufacturing and supply of affordable and…

Sputnik Light Coronavirus Vaccine | COVID Vaccine Sputnik Lite Receives Phase III Trial Approval: How is Sputnik Lite Different from Sputnik V?

Sputnik Lite is a new, different vaccine, developed by Russia’s Gamalya Institute in collaboration with RDIF.…