Premenstrual syndrome and sex life

Dr. Rajan Bhonsle Acclaimed as India’s top sexologist, Professor Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, MD, is a Senior…

Is it OK to have sex during pregnancy?

Dr. Rajan Bhonsle Acclaimed as India’s top sexologist, Professor Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, MD, is a Senior…

Communicating Sexual Needs: Challenges Faced by Couples

Dr. Rajan Bhonsle Acclaimed as India’s top sexologist, Professor Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, MD, is a Senior…

Know your partner’s erogenous zone for better sexual life

Dr. Rajan Bhonsle Acclaimed as India’s top sexologist, Professor Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, MD, is a Senior…

making love vs having sex

For many people, ‘making love’ and ‘having sex’ mean the same thing. Linguistically also, these two…