Climate change may lead to collapse of Hittite empire: study

Last Update: February 13, 2023, 09:12 IST An archaeologist works at the site where a 3,500-year-old…

Women’s alarming impact on plastic waste: 105 kg and counting

Last Update: February 05, 2023, 11:46 IST Several young Indian startups are working towards providing a…

Awadhi Chicken, Navaratan Korma and more: 5 Delicious Awadhi Curries You Must Try

India is a country of rich heritage, diverse cultures and many regional cuisines. From the ingredients,…

Period concerns prompt Manchester City to change the color of women’s shorts

Last Update: October 25, 2022, 23:19 IST Manchester City Women (Twitter) Manchester City will not wear…

Delhi teenager’s crusade for menstrual hygiene

Ahana Bharat Ram of Shri Ram School is on a campaign to distribute free sanitary napkins…

PCOS Awareness Month: Don’t blindly follow influencers; Fight stigma with the right information, say experts

New Delhi: Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive…

return after menopause

Skin Care : Post Menopause Bleach. special things to different Moisturize by. Attracts are used. Skin…

Painful periods: all you need to know about it

Periods can cause cramping in the lower abdomen Menstruation usually begins around the age of 11,…

Reasons behind delayed or irregular menstrual cycles

There are many factors that can affect the menstrual cycle, from changes in sleep cycles to…

Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Naveli paints wall to shed light on menstrual hygiene

Image Source : Instagram/navyananda Navya Naveli Nanda paints a wall in a Mumbai area on the…