Verified trading P&Ls are fine, but be wary of the loopholes

For most retail investors, the lure of easy money was irresistible as these influencers promised to…

Money for Startups Is Now Stuck With Many Strings

The end of the easy money era, rising interest rates and declining technology stocks have prompted…

Why have stock prices risen again?

“I’d never heard this song before,” he told his economist girlfriend. “Well, there’s always love at…

The rise and fall of startup heroes

The times are changing. The situation is clearly explained by a line attributed to Vladimir Lenin:…

it’s recession spring cleaning is here

Lehman Brothers was an investment bank that, like any other investment bank, was not subject to…

Farmers ID started making liquor as soon as the sugar factories were closed

Despite regular raids by police and Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) teams in around 30 villages known…