Change in status: The Hindu editorial on the national party tag and its impact on some political parties

In most electoral democracies, where the first-past-the-post system prevails, competition mostly results in monopolies, but India…

Change in status: The Hindu editorial on the national party tag and its impact on some political parties

In most electoral democracies, where the first-past-the-post system prevails, competition mostly results in monopolies, but India…

Rethinking the politics of social justice in Uttar Pradesh

Governance in the state has no road map to truly empower the vast majority of marginalized…

Straws in the air: On defections from BJP ahead of UP elections

BJP should be worried about the defections away from the party in Uttar Pradesh The stereotypical…

Thinking about linking voter list with Aadhaar before linking

Despite progressive aspects, Aadhaar linking raises apprehensions A reluctance to allow meaningful debate and to invite…