The global fight against inflation is not over yet

Since May 2022, central banks of advanced economies have raised interest rates rapidly, rapidly and in…

Crude oil prices likely to remain elevated. Here’s why

Crude oil prices have been fluctuating within a band since the last couple of months driven…

Rupee strength 80. but can be wasteful

Mumbai : Indian rupee may stabilize at new normal levels of 80-83 against the dollar, as…

Will Indian markets emerge out of global turmoil?

The global brokerage house estimates that India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is likely to exceed $7.5…

Fuel to the fire: Liz Truss on government audacity

It Looks Like Liz Truss Has Ruined Tories’ Fortunes With Her Wrong Priorities It Looks Like…

State-run oil companies look to acquire Kenya project

New Delhi State-run ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) and Indian Oil Corp Ltd (IOCL), a consortium of…

Russia’s mobilization, fall in oil prices weakens Putin’s economic hand

A costly military build-up, plunging energy prices and a new round of Western sanctions threaten to…

Why aluminum prices are unlikely to fall

Shares of aluminum producers like Hindalco Industries Limited and National Aluminum Company Limited (Nalco) have changed…

Biden heads high-stakes trip to Middle East to strengthen ties

Jerusalem : Joe Biden, Biden Middle East Travel, US Middle East Relations, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Energy…

India’s poor face lower inflation risk: United Nations – Times of India

New Delhi: A study by united nations development program (UNDP) has concluded that India has negligible…