Addressing Period Poverty – A Journey Towards Achieving Equality – News18

As World Menstrual Hygiene Day approaches on May 28th, it is crucial to address the intertwined…

नीना गुप्ता ने कहा फालतू है फेमिनिज्म, जिस दिन पुरुष गर्भवति होंगे वे महिलाओं के बराबर हो जाएंगे

नीना गुप्ता नई दिल्ली: नीना गुप्ता ने हाल ही में एक बातचीत के दौरान फेमिनिज्म को…

Women’s Equality Day 2023: History of Women’s Rights and Ongoing Global Challenges – News18

Published By: Nibandh Vinod Last Updated: August 26, 2023, 07:10 IST Women’s Equality Day is a…

Mandala as Healing Symbol And It’s Significance in Various Traditions – News18

A mandala is typically a geometric pattern or design that depicts the universe or gods in…

Discussion 2022: The Power of Summoning

The conventions have brought people from all over the world together to solve the gravest problems…

In Sri Lankan crisis, window of economic opportunity

The fruits of the idea of ​​a Sri Lanka-South India single market sub-region could boost development…

strengthen secularism, save the republic

India, as a nation, can only survive as a secular state – where the state has…

Hijab verdict strikes at liberty, equality and fraternity

The hijab decision strikes a chord against each of these principles – liberty, equality and fraternity…

undermining the values ​​of personal liberty

The hijab decision strikes a chord against each of these principles – liberty, equality and fraternity…

Essentially Flawed: The Hindu Editorial on Karnataka High Court’s Hijab Verdict

Karnataka HC verdict on hijab fails to recognize the need for proper accommodation Karnataka HC verdict…