How estate planning can help you protect your legacy

Most people fear the idea of estate planning or laugh it off thinking they are immortal.…

Why women must drive estate planning

The active involvement of women in estate planning has always been a grey area. While traditional…

What are the legal obligations of being witness to a friend’s will?

I have been asked to sign as a witness for my friend’s will. In this legal…

How can I safeguard my wealth amid a marital dispute?

How can I ensure that my hard-earned wealth, including business assets, are ring-fenced from the fallout…

How to navigate cross-border asset distribution, taxation?

Considering the global mobility of individuals and families, how can one navigate the complexities of cross-border…

How can I ensure appropriate distribution of financial assets?

What steps can I take to prevent common estate planning mistakes and ensure that assets are…

How to ensure fair distribution of assets in an estate plan?

I have three sons, all of whom are married and have children. My eldest son and…

How to overcome legal hurdles in international estate planning?

When dealing with assets in multiple jurisdictions, what legal considerations should individuals bear in mind for…

Stay informed about tax laws affecting investments, says Atul Garg of FinEzzy

In an interview with MintGenie, Garg said that in periods of market turbulence, active strategies may prove…

Global citizenship is plan B for Ultra HNIs, says Himanshu Kohli

Can you explain a little about global citizenship and how it helps UHNIs? Many families in…