How do I grow my wealth with Shariah-compliant investment options?

Q. I am Alizeh, an IT professional from Bengaluru, India. I come from a family that…

How does critical illness insurance provide extra coverage during serious illness?

Q. I’m Priya, and I am approaching my retirement. I’ve heard about critical illness insurance. How…

Mutual funds: How riskometer helps investors meet their financial goals

 Investing in mutual funds is quite similar; it’s crucial to understand the risks involved and the…

What are the pros and cons of investing in the Nifty Total Market Index?

Q. I am a 29-year-old married professional working with one of India’s top business houses in…

How credit and payment reporting platforms impact business decisions

In the world of modern business, data is king. Accurate and timely information can make or…

How can I diversify my portfolio by investing in international markets?

Q1. I’m Ayesha, and I’m interested in diversifying my portfolio by investing in international markets. What…

5 common excuses people make to put off investing and how to overcome them

Excuses to not invest grow like cobwebs, one intricately constructed excuse at a time. At least…

7 key tips to save money on health insurance premiums

To chart out a personal finance strategy without factoring in unexpected medical expenses is practically impossible…

6 ways to protect yourself from cyber fraud threats

In today’s digital age, convenience meets financial needs, but it also brings forth the looming threat…

Want to become a successful real estate investor? Here are 9 key strategies

Navigating through the vast domain of investment, real estate emerges as a stalwart, blending tangible assurance…