Big relief for Mark Zuckerberg as Facebook settles data privacy lawsuit involving Cambridge Analytica

Last Update: 27 August 2022, 15:35 IST Facebook has agreed to settle the Cambridge Analytica lawsuit.…

Facebook glitch spammed users with celebrity posts on their feed: Here’s what happened

Facebook suffered its strangest outage ever. Users of the social media platform reported being spammed with…

Facebook ready to remove these features from its app – Times of India

Meta-owned social media platform Facebook has revealed that it will be removing some features for its…

Hike in data prices limited Facebook user growth in India: Meta – Times of India

New Delhi: The increase in data rates in India limited the user growth of Meta (formerly)…

22% negotiated in bad weather, weather weather

Next up for Facebook’s other company, Meta, will be the growth in II. Media’s site status…

Facebook loses daily users for the first time, drops $200 billion in valuation

For the first time ever, Facebook has lost daily users globally, reporting lower-than-expected ad growth, which…

Facebook will turn off facial recognition in photos and videos

The move continues the tech giant’s dramatic redesign in recent weeks, including halting development of an…