How AI can predict sports injuries, improve performance

Computer vision, the technology behind facial recognition, will change the game in real-time analysis of athletes…

Big Tech is ready for a wave of regulation

New laws under consideration in Europe, Asia and the Americas could place tighter limits on how…

Facial technology at airports from 2022, says govt.

After a delay of three years, in March 2022, passengers will be able to use face…

The change that will happen in the future will be necessary to be successful after

May all the pensioners get the pleasure of getting the last property. Introduced as a certificate…

WATCH: Instagram’s Video Selfie Verification System Away From Barbie Dolls

Instagram users reported earlier this week that they were being asked for video selfie verification to…

Facebook logs out of face recognition technology, citing rules. description…

Facebook (meta) is going to shut down the face recognition system on Facebook as part of…

Facebook will turn off facial recognition in photos and videos

The move continues the tech giant’s dramatic redesign in recent weeks, including halting development of an…

Facial recognition in schools? There are risks to children here

In conversation with my teenage daughter last week, I pointed to a news report expressing concern…