7 hidden tips on how to use credit card effectively

The fusion of layered security and appealing perks can undoubtedly instill a potent “swipe now, think…

5 key tips to boost your credit score for a stronger financial future

As we usher into the New Year, it is an ideal time to review our financial…

What does China’s 2024 economic policy look like? 

The 2023 Chinese Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC), an annual meeting mechanism of the Communist Party…

Should you prepay home loan or invest money? MintGenie explains

The reason behind this is that with a long-term home loan, the interest paid over time…

Diwali 2023: Four tips for investors to impress Goddess of Wealth

Diwali, thе fеstival of lights, is a timе to cеlеbratе prospеrity, wеalth, and good fortunе.  Lakshmi,…