Proactive risk management will secure Indian finances

The recent and unexpected volatility between several major financial institutions in Europe and the US is…

Companies now count carbon in travel, hotels

NEW DELHI: Indian companies are adopting eco-conscious practices, including low-emission flights, eco-friendly hotels and electric vehicles…

Credit Suisse will borrow $54 billion from the Swiss Central Bank

swiss bank credit suisse It said on 16 March it would move to shore up its…

Central-Bank Digital Currencies Are Coming—Whether Countries Are Ready or Not

One hundred and fourteen countries are exploring digital currencies, and their collective economies represent more than…

Indian government lets banks use facial recognition, iris scan for some transactions

New Delhi: The Indian government is allowing banks to verify individual transactions that exceed a certain…

Myths related to CIBIL score

For those who are planning to take a loan or some credit, it is important to…

Bank of Baroda to improve internal audit procedures for local, global operations

Bank of Baroda (BoB) is planning to review its internal audit practices for domestic and international…