AI and blockchain solutions for unclaimed asset recovery, says Vikash

Blockchain can provide a transparent mechanism for tracking ownership and automating transfers of unclaimed assets through…

Breaking barriers: How women take the lead in joint financial decision-making

The Varma Duo – Diverse investment styles Meet the Varma couple, Rahul and Neha contribute equally…

7 hidden tips on how to use credit card effectively

The fusion of layered security and appealing perks can undoubtedly instill a potent “swipe now, think…

18% choose luxury splurges for new year shopping, reveals survey

In terms of overall household spending, there has been an increase for 58% of families, with…

5 key tips to boost your credit score for a stronger financial future

As we usher into the New Year, it is an ideal time to review our financial…

2023 year in review: 7 tell-tale signs of the debt trap you have entangled yourself in this year

Recognizing the perils of irresponsible borrowing and the pitfalls of debt becomes crucial. Though debt is…

Wedding Bells or Debt Spiral? Should a personal loan finance your dream wedding?

Despite the considerable expenses involved, Indian weddings remain a beloved tradition for numerous families. Viewed as…

GenWise leaps into the AI realm by introducing India’s inaugural companion for seniors

In moments of solitude, individuals are drawn together by the desire to engage in conversations centred…

How do credit cards help in building a strong credit score? MintGenie explains

For many, credit cards have become essential in daily life, offering convenience and flexible repayment options,…

Diwali 2023: How can you brighten up your festival with help of personal loan

Many people inquire if both salaried and self-employed people can seek personal loans and if there…