Time to ease norms: The Hindu editorial on COVID-19 restrictions

The third winter begins in India after covid-19 pandemic began in January 2020The number of daily…

SII may cut monthly production of Covishield by half amid fall in demand

Stating that Covishield’s exports are also slow at present, Adar Poonawalla said export orders will pick…

Omron Edition | Health ministry directs states to increase testing

The Health Ministry has written a letter to the state governments saying that it is extremely…

Morning Digest: Indian team meets Taliban deputy PM; Trump to launch new social media platform, and more

India joined a statement from 10 countries recognizing the “new reality” of the Taliban in power…

Morning Digest | One more arrested in Singhu murder case, two ‘surrender’; 8 people died due to rain in Kerala, many more

A select list of stories to read before starting your day. The second arrest was made…