Amazon plans to invest $3 million in nature-based projects in India

E-commerce company Amazon is planning to invest $3 million in nature-based projects in India. The investment…

Where did the leech go?

Leeches have long disappeared from heavily concreted and polluted areas, and they are hard to come…

Brand India label soon for quality domestic steel products

New Delhi: The government plans to enhance the prestige of Indian-made products by introducing ‘Brand India’…

video | Cheetah Rehabilitation: Ambitious or Absurd?

Eight cheetahs arrived in India from Namibia on a special flight on Saturday morning. Three of…

forest | a new leaf

They can be protected, but the double pressure of population and development is taking a toll…

Wildlife | Earnings of our stripes

Much of our wildlife was once treated as big game. The turning point came 50 years…

Mineral exploration in forest areas may soon become easier

New Delhi Government proposes that companies for mineral exploration in forest areas need to obtain forest…

Nature guides introduce flora and fauna of the Western and Eastern Ghats to trekkers and visitors

The increase in monsoon travel by Indians focusing on the great outdoors this year has fueled…

Soon, a 5-year compensatory afforestation plan for Goa. Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: Goa forest officials will soon come out with a five-year plan detailing the use of…

Forest missing for trees

Massive tree cutting caused widespread outrage across Guwahati. While many took to social media, some gathered…