Scientists explore ‘injecting ice’ to reduce water vapor and cool Earth

Climate Change from Global Warming are not unknown phenomenon. However, a recent study has said a…

2023, Hottest Year On Record, Highlights Humanity’s Failures, Says Scientist

The year 2023 saw its fair share of disastrous events. In 2023, the world experienced a…

Mint Explainer: COP28 and its implications for India

The UN climate conference held in Dubai this year chalked up key resolutions on fossil fuels,…

COP28 Summit and India | Is climate fatigue setting in

COP28 Summit and India | Is climate fatigue setting in We are half way through the…

Are heatwaves evidence that climate change is speeding up?

So is what is happening in the oceans (see chart). Since March 13th the sea-surface temperature…

Hitch In Climate Change Talks At G20 As China, Saudi Harden Stance

G20 Summit: China and Saudi Arabia are opposing drastic steps for phasing out fossil fuels. New…

Hitch In Climate Change Talks At G20 As China, Saudi Harden Stance

New Delhi: With just hours left for the G20 Summit to begin, climate change is already…

The case for an environmentalism that builds

If the world’s climate is to be stabilised, stopping electricity generation from producing fossil-fuel-derived emissions is…

Old tyres can become a climate-friendly fuel

Getting rid of old tyres has long been a problem. Every year more than a billion…