France president Emmanuel Macron weakened by crisis over police killing

Even in normal times Emmanuel Macron needed allies’ help governing France. To get some things done…

Video: French President Comes Under Fire For Attending Concert Amid Violent Protests

Around 667 people were arrested across France overnight following a third day of protests. Amid ongoing…

France Deploys 45,000 Police Officers To Deal With Night Rioting

PARIS: France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on Friday (local time) said the country is deploying 45,000…

France Braces For “Theatre Of Violence” Amid Riots Over Teen’s Killing: 10 Facts

Protesters targeted municipal buildings, such as town halls and libraries in Marseille. Paris: A third consecutive…

France Braces For “Theatre Of Violence” Amid Riots Over Teen’s Killing: 10 Facts

Protesters targeted municipal buildings, such as town halls and libraries in Marseille. Paris: A third consecutive…

France Braces For “Theatre Of Urban Violence” After Police Kill Teen

Some 40,000 police have been mobilised to try to keep the peace on Thursday. Paris, France:…

French police clash with protesters during May Day rallies against Macron’s new pension law, nearly 200 arrested

Paris: French police clashed with hundreds of black-clad anarchists in Paris and other cities during a…