Chinese Chef Slammed For Mocking Death of Mao Zedong’s Son With Fried Rice Video

Chef Wang Gang was massively slammed by Chinese social media users. Fried rice, a culinary marvel…

Turn Mid-Week Blues Into Foodie Delights: 3 Mushroom Fried Rice Recipes To Lift Your Mood

Weekdays, for most of us, are all about busy work schedules and meeting targets, alongside managing…

How to Make Restaurant-Style XO Fried Rice – A Quick Recipe Inside

The appeal of fried rice cannot be denied. There are variations for everyone: vegetarians, non-vegetarian, vegetarian…

How to make Restaurant Style Chicken Fried Rice

Rice is the staple food of almost every person in India. Explore regions across India, you…

How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice for a Delicious Mid-Week Dinner

After a long and tiring day of work, we crave something delicious to relax and de-stress!…

5 Delicious Chicken Fried Rice Recipes to Enjoy This Weekend

Foodies like to take the weekend as an opportunity to experiment in the kitchen and create…

Singapore Rice Recipe: Spend the Weekend Enjoying This Delicious Fried Rice

With the weekend almost over, we are all excited to just sit back, relax and enjoy…

About Paneer Fried Rice Recipe: Make a mouth-watering fried rice bowl in 20 minutes

Rice might be one of the most commonly consumed food items of India. So much so…