Food Trivia: Who Invented Frozen Food? Join Us In The Interesting Journey Into The History

What’s in your freezer? Gone are the days when most people’s refrigerators had only ice cubes…

How To Avoid Freezer Burn And Being Damaged By Too Much Ice, Explains Study

The majority of people have a bag of vegetables in their freezer that have essentially turned…

How to Cook With Frozen Vegetables – Do’s and Don’ts to Keep in Mind

Modern-day kitchen appliances have made life infinitely more convenient. Now we can prepare complete meals without…

Has your fridge stopped working? Here’s how to handle the food in your fridge

When there is a power cut, the first thing we worry about is the food we…

Duck Roast, Fish Curry – Tapioca ‘Puzukku’, Cabbage ‘Thoran’, Wheat ‘Paysam’… Kerala’s growing market for home-style, ready-to-eat food

Rice, fish curry, payasam… Now get a wide range of meals from a supermarket shelf. Here’s…

Chicken does not need to be defrosted! Try This Simple Hack to Cook It Instead

Frozen food has undoubtedly made our lives a lot easier. There’s no need to buy fresh…

Sub-zero temperatures cause spaghetti to freeze mid-air, Twitter reacts

The world is witnessing a winter like never before. Cold winds, extreme sub-zero temperatures and blizzards…