Business deals with India to rescue political career

In many capitals around the world, leaders are adopting a new formula for re-election: meet on…

UK promises defense tech, supplies, but won’t put it in Russian hands – Times of India

New Delhi: A free and open Indo-Pacific with a focus on production and technology transfer in…

India and UK likely to hold tight talks on whiskey in FTA

New Delhi Indian whiskey makers are making a surprising and enthusiastic bid to break into the…

Importance of resolving duty discrepancies in trade deals

India has long been facing the anomaly of taxing imported raw materials more than the finished…

India wants easy access to pharma market for Australia

Two government officials said on condition of anonymity that India is pressing for preferential market access…

Trade pact with UK, India demands cut in duty on textiles

New Delhi will seek duty exemptions for labour-intensive exports, including textiles, besides easier market access for…

This is the right time to pitch for FDI: Industry Secretary – Times of India

Anurag JainThe Secretary for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is bullish on industrial performance and…

Trade Agreement: India, UAE to sign Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on February 18

Trade deal: India and the United Arab Emirates are likely to sign a free trade agreement…

FTA talks: Australia’s trade minister to visit India

NEW DELHI: Australia’s Trade Minister Dan Tehan will visit India on Wednesday to take forward talks…