Online gaming to attract investment after tax policy is finalised: Nirmala Sitharaman

Last Update: May 04, 2023, 10:01 IST MeiTY, the norms notified for the online gaming sector…

What to read to understand poker, the best game ever

In poker, as in life, the calculus of decision-making changes with each new piece of information.…

New Online Gaming Rules Will Drive Industry To Compete Globally, Eliminate Betting Platforms

New Delhi, April 6: New rules for online gaming will spur innovation, boost investor confidence and…

Are fantasy cricket apps legal in India? here’s what the law says

Every new season of the Indian Premier League (IPL) brings more buzz about the growing fantasy…

A changing landscape on the cards

MUskan Sethi, 33, has recently returned to Delhi from Goa. A mark of his success as…

Blurred line between gaming and gambling

bBeing careful with language is a part of the job description for two professions in particular:…

Gaming and gambling: The Hindu editorial on Centre’s move to regulate online gaming

TeaHe Central government’s proposed measures to regulate online gaming in Draft amendments to the Information Technology…

Regulate online gaming, not ban it

Online skills gaming industry expects a reform-oriented policy structure to be in place soon Online skills…

Gaming and Ban: On the ban on online games

Online gaming can be addictive, but the ban would be against personal liberty Online gaming can…