Gail eyes stake in assets abroad

The company is interested in assets that are already producing and on the verge of producing,…

Putin Warns of “Direct Attempts” to Disrupt Gas Giant Gazprom’s Work

Vladimir Putin warned against “direct attempts” to hinder the work of the Russian gas company Gazprom…

Mint Explainer: Why gas price cap is only half the battle for India

After windfall gains comes the price range. The government-appointed Kirit Parikh panel has recommended capping the…

Gazprom issue: India will not seek arbitration or punishment

New Delhi : Russian government-owned Gazprom, the world’s largest explorer of natural gas, has bilaterally declared…

How Russia’s gas line to the EU affects India

Russia’s state-owned energy company Gazprom on Friday shut down Nord Stream 1, a major pipeline supplying…

Kremlin blames Europe for Nord Stream 1 halt, says restrictions hinder maintenance – Times of India

Kremlin European politicians on Sunday blamed the closure of Nord Stream 1, one of its main…

Mint explainer: Is Putin pushing Europe into recession?

What caused the crisis? Russia supplies about 40% of Europe’s natural gas imports, which power its…

Russia’s Gazprom once again to shut down gas pipelines in Europe for three days

Russia has blamed the cut through the pipeline on technical problems, but Germany has called the…

Russia has little ability to help repair Nord Stream 1, Kremlin says – Times of India

Moscow: nord stream 1 There is a malfunction in the equipment of the gas pipeline that…