WHO: Monkeypox cases rise to 6,000; To call second emergency meeting – Times of India

London: More than 6,000 cases monkeypox The WHO has said that the current outbreak has now…

WHO drops endemic nation tag to boost monkeypox fight – Times of India

GENEVA: The World Health Organization said it has removed the distinction between endemic and non-endemic countries…

WHO discards endemic country distinction for monkeypox – Times of India

GENEVA: The World Health Organization says it has removed the distinction between endemic and non-endemic countries…

WTO settles after talks go down the wire

In the first major agreement in nine years, the deal covers six key issues important to…

UN seeks immediate support for refugees after deadly Burkina Faso attack – Times of India

Geneva: United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) on Friday called for immediate support for some 16,000 newly…

WTO agrees on deals on fishing subsidies, food security, Covid vaccine – Times of India

GENEVA: The World Trade Organization has concluded deals on tackling food insecurity, curbing harmful fishing subsidies…

WTO close to historic global deal after 9 years

Patent waiver on Covid wax, food safety amid issues close to agreement

India took a stand on nutritious food and germ disease in the 12th nutritious diet of WTO in Gemwa

Power Minister Piyush Goyal W W W W W W W E /) New Delhi: There…

Piyush Goyal advocates permanent solution to food security with WTO Director General at G33 meeting in Geneva

Image Source: @PIYUSHGOYAL Union Minister Piyush Goyal at the G33 ministerial meeting in Geneva. Highlight Piyush…

India will not bow down to its fisheries demands: Ambassador of India to WTO

Geneva, Switzerland): As India’s key demand for long-term protection of subsidies for its fishermen under the…