Gestational Diabetes: How To Control High Blood Sugar In Pregnant Women – Know Risks And More

Gestational diabetes is a type of high blood sugar or diabetes that develops during the second…

How Gestational Diabetes Can Affect Expecting Mothers? Expert Explains

Pregnancy, a miraculous journey filled with joy and anticipation, can also bring forth health challenges. Gestational…

How Diabetes Affects Fertility And Pregnancy? Expert Shares Risks And Challenges

Diabetes, a prevalent chronic health condition, significantly influences fertility in both men and women. Understanding the…

Gestational Diabetes: Spike In Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy Risks Both Mothers and Newborns

The prevalence of gestational diabetes among pregnant women is known to be high around the world,…

Diabetes Patients After Pregnancy Have Lower Chance Of Controlling Blood Sugar Levels: Study

Researchers found people who develop diabetes after pregnancy were significantly less likely to be able to…

High Blood Sugar: Over 100 Million Indians Have Diabetes; Do Not Ignore These 10 Symptoms

According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) published in the journal…

High blood sugar: Understanding the link between neonatal death and gestational diabetes

Dr Navneet Agarwal Gestational diabetes refers to a condition first diagnosed during pregnancy or pregnancy.…

Dim light before bedtime to reduce risk of gestational diabetes in pregnant women: Study

According to growing evidence, exposure to light before bedtime may be associated with impaired glucose regulation…

High blood sugar: Dim light may reduce chances of gestational diabetes, research says

According to a recent Northwestern Medicine study, pregnant women should dim their home lights and turn…

South Asian women more likely to develop type 2 diabetes during pregnancy

A recent study published in eLife revealed that South Asian women or women of South Asian…