India slips in global hunger index, New Delhi slams report

India ranked 107 out of 121 countries in 2022. This year, the GHI ranked Pakistan at…

Kerala textbooks to retain sections deleted by NCERT

Kerala’s new school textbooks of history, political science, sociology and economics have portions that were recently…

Families give less food to children: Sri Lanka’s hunger crisis deepens

The economic crisis in Sri Lanka has escalated into a severe hunger crisis, with half of…

Now is the time to avert the crisis facing the world

New Delhi Pakistan journalist Fakhar Yousafzai posted that video clip. I got goosebumps watching this 41…

Fixing India’s Malnutrition Problem

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022 brings in more unpleasant news for India as far as…

An index that triggers a metric ton of annoyance

How is that possible? Well, I’m also interested in this GHI. Because this, and other such…

A tale of two indices in this age of economic contrasts

Both the Global Hunger Index and the UNDP’s Multi-dimensional Poverty Index indicate a need we cannot…

Let us not shy away from India’s hunger problem

For the second year in a row, the Indian government has rejected the Global Hunger Index…

Global Hunger Index Ranking 2022: India ranks 107th out of 121 countries. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: India ranks 107th out of 121 countries global hunger index (GHI) 2022; A score…

Global Hunger Index 2022: India down 6 places to 107th, China tops the list. News – Times of India Videos

15 October 2022, 09:35 PM ISTSource: mirror now India has now slipped from 101st position in…