Global Average Temperatures 1.45℃ above Pre-Industrial Levels in 2023: WMO State of The Climate Report – News18

According to the annual WMO State of the Global Climate Report released on Tuesday, 2023 has…

Will AI Save Humanity? US Tech Fest Offers Reality Check

Austin, United States: Artificial intelligence aficionados are betting that the technology will help solve humanity’s biggest…

Scientists explore ‘injecting ice’ to reduce water vapor and cool Earth

Climate Change from Global Warming are not unknown phenomenon. However, a recent study has said a…

Scientists find new hack to deal with a warming planet; Here’s how

Water vapour — water in its gas form — is a natural greenhouse gas that traps…

‘Zombie’ Virus Which Spent 48,500 Years Frozen In Arctic Could Spark Deadly Pandemic, Warn Scientists

“We have to assume that something like this could happen,” said scientist Koopmans. Scientists have warned…

2023, Hottest Year On Record, Highlights Humanity’s Failures, Says Scientist

The year 2023 saw its fair share of disastrous events. In 2023, the world experienced a…

Why And How ‘Dimming The Sun’ To Fight Climate Change Is A Possibility

Dimming the Sun wouldnt perfectly reverse climate change. (Representational Image) London: It’s becoming increasingly clear that…

“Trail Of Devastation”: UN Says 2023 Set To Be Hottest Year On Record

This year is set to be the hottest ever recorded, the UN said. (File) Geneva, Switzerland:…

Change In Climatic Events May Start Impacting Brain Functioning In Future: Study

Increasing extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and hurricanes, and associated forest fires and floods…

World Headed For Nearly 3 Degrees Warming If Steps Not Taken: UN Report

The report said countries have made progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. New Delhi: The world…