6 tips to achieve optimal sleep in the New Year

Image Source : FREEPIK Tips to achieve optimal sleep in 2024. In the new year, individuals…

Have You Had A Bariatric Surgery Recently? Healthy Winter Comfort Foods for Patients – News18

Patients must always adhere to the prescribed postoperative diet plan Dr Aman Priya Khanna – Co-founder…

How Avocado Milkshake Boosts Heart Health And Improves Digestion – News18

Avocado helps in good digestive system. Not only is the avocado milkshake incredibly delicious but also…

From Reducing Stress To Strengthening Relationships, 4 Benefits Of Travelling – News18

The stress and negativity within us demands a rejuvenating break to refresh our minds and bodies.…

Do overweight people die soon? New study says this

Being classified as overweight based on the body mass index (BMI) scale does not necessarily lead…

World Health Day 2023: Building a better and healthier community – 4 strategic priorities of WHO in India

World Health Day: Around the world, certain groups experience inequality, inadequate access to safe environments, clean…

Exclusive World Health Day 2023: Do these 7 Yogasanas daily for good health

World Health Day is observed on 7th April and it is celebrated annually. Every year, it…

End the gender disparity in leisure for better results

Leisure cannot really be measured, although it can be a measure of the quality of our…

India’s life expectancy exceeds 82!

India’s life expectancy in 1950 was 35.21 and in the year 2100 it would be 81.96.…

To mate internally, they mate

Home Remedy : Prabhat from aura Benefits of lentils, sugar, dry ginger and flaxseed: ️KITCHEN Suitable…