Fiscal deficit reached 20.5% of annual target in April-July: Official figures

According to official data released on Wednesday, the central government’s fiscal deficit reached 20.5% of the…

Mint explainer: FM’s capital expenditure bold plan to boost economy

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has once again emphasized that the government has an ambitious capital expenditure…

Win-win amidst the government’s measures to control inflation

Inflation has been a major concern in recent months. To give some relaxation, the government has…

Small businesses object to Covid-19 aid claws

The issue is about $5 billion that Congress allocated for three small-business aid programs but which…

Lift Expenses: The Hindu Editorial on Core Sector Output Data

Officer Industrial data from February shows that output in eight core sectors grew at the fastest…

Reject move to increase lowest GST slab

The GST Council in its next meeting wants to increase the lowest tax slab to 8%…

Beware the Deceptive Allure of Modern Monetary Theory

The controversy over whether ‘modern monetary theory’ (MMT) is a Copernican revolution for public policy has…

Increase farm expenditure, increase farm income

India’s poor AOI is a clear reminder of the need to achieve a key sustainable development…

Government spending to run private capital expenditure schemes

Mumbai Government’s focus on building public infrastructure with a low corporate tax rate of 17% for…

The end of free-lunch economics and its worrying effects

Bills of indiscriminate fiscal and monetary support ultimately have to be paid by those least able…