Gujarat ATS arrests one for spying for Pakistan

The Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of the Gujarat Police on October 20 arrested a man, a native…

Gujarat ATS busts ISI spy network; one held in Kutch for leaking BSF information

Image Source : FILE ATS has also arrested one person in Kutch. The Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad…

Teesta Setalvad Interview | ‘Forced imprisonment is a loss of dignity’

Activist describes her imprisonment in Sabarmati Jail, and its ups and downs Activist describes her imprisonment…

video | Biggest Stories of 3rd September 2022

Biggest Stories of 3rd September 2022

In Teesta Setalvad case, the Supreme Court said, there is no reason to deny bail

Activist Teesta Setalvad was arrested in June. New Delhi: Raising serious concerns about the manner in…

Muslim cleric arrested for killing man over Facebook post in Gujarat

Gujarat Massacre: ATS officials told that Maulvi Kamargani Usmani has been arrested from Delhi. Ahmedabad: Gujarat…