Aromatherapy: Use Of Different Types Of Essential Oils In Headaches, Dos And Don’ts – Expert Speaks

By Dr Austin Fernandes  Aromatherapy is a holistic healing approach that promotes physical and emotional…

Frequent Headaches Linked To Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts In Teenagers, Says Study

The study, published in the online issue of the medical journal Neurology, does not prove that…

Covid-19 Virus Can Fuse Cells Leading To Brain Fog, Headaches: Study

Viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, which caused Covid-19, can cause brain cells to fuse, initiating malfunctions that…

Cervicogenic Headaches: Headaches That Could Be Originating from Your Neck

Working on postural correction, wearing seat belts while driving even if in rear seat. Neck muscle…

Headaches After Exercise: Causes And How To Prevent Them

For some people, going for a run can trigger what’s known as a ‘runner’s high’, a…