Chew Your Food 32 Times: Fact Or Myth? Here’s What Experts Say

“Chew your food at least 32 times before swallowing” is a theory we have all grown…

How Drinking Tea Without Milk Could Benefit You, As Per Top Medical Body ICMR

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently released 17 new dietary guidelines in partnership with…

Cutting Back On Sugar? Wait! Important Points To Consider First

“Kuch Meetha Hojaye?” Over the ages, we’ve been under the influence that every good news or…

Healthy Diet Tips: 5 Ways You Can Turn Your Burger Into A Healthier Dish

Burger is America’s favourite food but we love it just as much, if not more. A…

Best Diet For A Happy And Healthy Kidney: 4 Crucial Tips To Keep In Mind

A well-balanced diet is crucial for kidney patients as it helps to manage their condition effectively.…

Living Alone Overseas? Nutritionist Recommends 5 Healthy Food Picks For Busy Days

If you’re someone who lives abroad, you’ll know how difficult it can get. From running household…

Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

Picture this – you have a big day ahead, and you wake up with a puffy…

9 Guilt-Free Munchies To Make Your Diet As Cool As You Are

Let’s agree, we all try to eat healthily daily. From kickstarting the day with a wholesome…

Nutritionist Simrun Chopra On Health And Diet: “No Such Thing As Good Or Bad Food” – NDTV Exclusive

Are you confused about which diet regime to follow? Have you been eliminating all indulgent items…

7 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, the journey often begins with the simplest changes…