Air pollution linked to increased risk of irregular heartbeat: Study

Long-term air pollution has now been linked to an increased risk of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat,…

Cancer drugs are causing heart disease, revealed in the study

With modern techniques, the field of medical science has also progressed. Doctors and scientists have discovered…

Gene mutation may be linked to some types of heart disease: Study

People may learn that they have a gene mutation linked to certain types of cardiovascular disease…

Want a Healthy Heart? Try These 4 Diets

Are you looking for a diet that is also good for your heart? Are you confused…

Covid-19 infection increasing cardiovascular risks in young adults: Study

According to a study led by an international team of researchers, even mild cases of COVID-19…

Depression during pregnancy may lead to higher risk of heart disease, study suggests

Tell your healthcare provider about any concerns you have about your mental health. (Image: shutterstock) As…

Insurance: Critical need for strong protection of policyholder rights

The other day, a claims executive arbitrarily rejected a claim for hospitalization for a heart condition.…

Talking therapy can treat depression, lower risk of future heart disease: Study

Using talking therapy to effectively treat depression in adults over 45 may be associated with lower…

Heart Failure: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and How It Can Affect Your Sex Life

Dr. Naveen Bhamri, Director & HOD (Interventional Cardiology), Max Super Specialty Hospital Shalimar Bagh, Delhi shares…

People with gene-linked obesity have lower risk of developing heart disease: Study

obesity: Nearly a third of the world’s population is now overweight or obese. “This data is…