People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Likely To Suffer A Stroke: Study

According to research published in the online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American…

One Alcoholic Drink A Day Could Lower Risk Of Heart Disease, Says New Study

For the study, the team analysed the drinking habits of over 50,000 people A new study…

6 Summer Fruits You Must Add To Your Diet For A Healthy Heart

As the summer sun shines brightly, nature bestows upon us seasonal fruits that not only tantalize…

Beetroot Juice Benefits: Reduced Risk Of Heart Attacks Associated With Patients With Stent

Consuming beetroot juice daily for six months following the placement of a stent decreased the likelihood…

Six Reasons to Make the Juicy and Tart Plum Your Summertime Fave

This fruit is sweet but bitter, and it’s good for you. It is plum season, or…

Managing Asymptomatic High Blood Pressure Linked With Risk Of Cardiac, Kidney Injury: Study

In hospitalised patients, blood pressure is routinely monitored. Severe hypertension can cause a heart attack, stroke,…

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Signs, Risk Factors, Causes And Treatment- Steps To Perform CPR

Cardiac arrest: When your heart stops beating suddenly in an instance is known as sudden cardiac…

How Much Salt Is Too Much Salt In Terms Of The Heart Health? Here Is What You Need To Know

The correlation between your heart health and your regular salt intake is deeper than you realise.…

Heart Health: Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cardiac Arrest In Teens – Expert Explains

India has been reporting a sudden increase in heart attacks in teenagers which has alarmed the…

World Heart Day 2022: Top foods for a healthy heart

World Heart Day 2022: Looking at the reports of cardiac arrest deaths in the last few…