Saudi Arabia is reconciling with regimes it once tried to topple

Diplomats rarely admit failure, But that’s exactly what the Saudi foreign minister did on February 18…

look | UAE satellite video shows 2 missiles over Abu Dhabi

Image Source: @MODGOVAE The missile fire disrupted traffic at Abu Dhabi International Airport, which was home…

Saudi-led coalition denies targeting Yemen prison

The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen denied targeting a detention center in Yemen’s…

UAE: UAE says missiles, drones used in strike, some intercepted – Times of India

Dubai: Cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were used along with drones and several weapons were intercepted…

UAE envoy: Yemen’s Houthis used missiles in Abu Dhabi attack

Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba’s comments marked an official acknowledgment that missiles – and not just drones –…

Oil Warning: Do Not Skid

Escalating tensions in major oil-producing regions could affect supplies, which is why some experts forecast oil…

United Arab Emirates: Deadly drone strikes on UAE raise Gulf tensions, oil market – Times of India

DUBAI: Iran-backed Yemeni fighters carried out drone strikes on the United Arab Emirates, causing explosions and…

What is behind the UAE attacks by the Houthis?

This is not the first time the Houthis have attacked the UAE. ,

United Nations Mission talks to crew members of UAE-flagged ship seized by Houthis along with seven Indians

Deep concern over safety of 7 Indians on Houthi-seized ship; Calls for immediate release of crew,…

Making all efforts to release 7 Indians on board seized ship by Houthis: MEA

A Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson said on Tuesday that India is closely monitoring the…