Model Jeremy Ruhlmann dies at age 27

Last Update: January 24, 2023, 18:44 IST Fashion model Jeremy Ruhlmann has passed away. He was…

Google working on AI model to read doctors’ handwritten prescriptions

File photo of Google logo | photo credit: Reuters Google is working on an AI and…

Rohilla violence: Man in custody detained by police

Ranchi Violence: 22 people were involved in the violence. special things Nupur Sharma and New Jundal’s…

Watch: Bulldozer at Ahmed’s house due to battle of Prayagraj, charges for illegal construction

Prayagraj: Incidents of active violence have come to the fore in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The police…

20-year-old Kerala model-actor Shahana found hanging, family accuses husband of assault and murder

Image Source: Freepik image of crime The Kerala Police on Friday detained a 31-year-old man after…

Woman Spent Over $70,000 To Change Into ‘Human Barbie’, Family Breaks Up

Jessie Bunny before and after her drastic transformation. A 21-year-old girl, who spent more than $70,000…

India was in honor of Gandhiji, Modi came back: Amit Shah

Modi modi nemei nemeiter and gandhians have been included in the government (photo photo). Ahmedabad: Union…

Fee-correction scheme, new facility will be applicable for all types of improvements in the car

Every light in the car should be illuminated. (symbolic photo) New Delhi: central government To battery-contradict…


Today I congratulate Bipin Rawat, the first Chief Defense Minister of India.

lens replacement

There has been an increase in non-binary models in Indian fashion, but has this led to…