Cops at Parvaiz Elahi’s Lahore residence as crackdown on Imran Khan’s party continues

By India Today World Desk: Amid the Pakistan government’s crackdown on Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, the…

Former Pak minister claims ex-spy chief Faiz Hameed ‘biggest beneficiary’ in Al-Qadir corruption case

By Press Trust of India: A former Pakistan federal minister on Wednesday claimed that the country’s…

Imran Khan has been granted protection from arrest in all cases till May 15.

by India Today World DeskFormer Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was dramatically arrested on May…

Imran Khan’s arrest brings Pakistan closer to the edge

Imran Khan was expecting an uneventful day in court as he traveled from Lahore to Islamabad…

Imran Khan arrested; PTI calls for nationwide protest

Updated: May 09, 2023, 05:42 PM IST livemint Pakistan Tehreek-e-EI leader…

Pak police recover weapons, petrol bombs from Imran Khan’s house

The police launched a “massive operation” at Mr Khan’s Zaman Park residence. (file) Lahore: More than…