4 Tips to Help Kids Get Rid of Negative Thinking

Many factors contribute to children’s negative thinking. It is believed that people who are exposed to…

Early childcare is the key to nurturing future generations

In 1992, India ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which called…

Expert-approved tips on how to pay close attention to kids in the midst of a busy life

Sometimes, kids act out and throw tantrums because they don’t get your full attention. However, giving…

Why women are game-changers in local governments

Their participation in Panchayats has an undeniable impact on developmental outcomes and social change. And there’s…

Men’s washroom in Bangalore airport has a diaper changing room and everyone loves it

A tweet celebrating the presence of diaper changing rooms in men’s washrooms at Bengaluru airport is…

The debate around the Surrogacy Act

What are the various provisions under the Act that determine who can perform surrogacy? Are the…

Getting Serious About Supporting the Care Economy

Care work is important for economies in general and India needs to have a strategy and…

Frequent outdoor childcare may affect children’s behaviour, says study

A survey of nearly 1,300 Zurich schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, suggested that the more time…

Innovative tips on how to engage your kids indoors

Image Source: Freepik Innovative tips on how to engage your kids indoors Keeping a child busy…

Do you know the benefits of breastfeeding for both the baby and the mother?

Breastfeeding is considered important. Most medical experts and health care professionals recommend exclusive breastfeeding for at…