Bhupendra Patel: BJP surprised in Gujarat, Patel was elected MLA for the first time as the new CM. India News – Times of India

Gandhinagar: PM Narendra Modi stuns one of his biggest surprises when he is soft-spoken for the…

Coronavirus India Updates: 259 new cases of corona infection, 11 deaths

symbolic photo. Coronavirus India Updates: India from 190 blog countries around the world due to corona…

Keep the tax system simple to prevent evasion, the Supreme Court tells the government. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Supreme court Investments in bonds, securities and shares have provided a major tax relief…

Faujdari: On Test Cricket, IPL and BCCI

Looks like BCCI and some senior players prefer lucrative IPL over Test cricket Indian cricket’s English…

For example to protect against risk

symbolic photo. New Delhi: It is necessary to improve the quality just as it is necessary…

Bringing Beauty to Indian Roads: A Personal Mission

I have enough. I declare that I have become a revolutionary activist. I will openly and…

Before 2017 only those who called ‘Abba Jaan’ got ration: Yogi India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath slammed back on sunday Samajwadi Party (SP)…

Bhupendra Patel: BJP MLA Bhupendra Patel became the new Chief Minister of Gujarat. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced this on Saturday. Bhupendra Patel will be new…

Fresh controversy between TMC-BJP over advertisement of ‘Transforming UP’ bearing the image of ‘Kolkata flyover’. India News – Times of India

Kolkata : Trinamool Congress The Uttar Pradesh government on Sunday took strong objection to the use…

Woman raped and attacked in private part, death in Mumbai | India News – Times of India

MUMBAI: A 32-year-old pavement resident died on Saturday after brutally sexually assaulted and severely injuring his…