Why is unemployment high among the youth? | Explained

Job seekers at a job fair in Bengaluru. The trend of contractual appointments and clamour for…

Apple of weak labor laws in ‘India as Eden’ offer

‘The key missing ingredient in all these changes in the labor ecosystem is the social dialogue’.…

Erosion of hard earned labor rights

A handloom weaver at a workshop in Nalgonda district. , photo credit: AFP heyOn May 1,…

a harsh response that strikes at the root of rights

ESMA empowers the government to define any economic activity as essential, which is an example of…

Experience of being the only reporter at a press conference

Protest by Center of Indian Trade Unions at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi. , Photo credit:…

UN: Global economic slowdown forces workers to pay poorly

Image Source: Unsplash Global economic downturn forced workers to pay poorly The United Nations issued a…

Interview of ILO expert Ki Beom Kim | ‘Great Recession, COVID-19 Pandemic is slowly leading to greater consideration for the role of macroeconomic policies’

Macroeconomic and employment policy specialist in the employment policy department of the International Labor Organization (ILO)…

India needs policies that focus on employment-rich growth and equality: ILO chief Gilbert F. hongbo

Gilbert Hongbo, Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO). file | Photo Credit: AP In…

The Gender Pay Gap, Hard Truths and the Work Necessary

Inequalities in India’s labor market are enormous and bridging the gap is the key to achieving…

Create more jobs, improve employment policy

Government’s 10 lakh employment generation scheme has nothing to do with the ground reality Government’s 10…