importance of migrants

For India to increase the contribution of remittances to GDP, it does not need more workers,…

Getting Serious About Supporting the Care Economy

Care work is important for economies in general and India needs to have a strategy and…

International Women’s Day | Working women too, with dreams of good child care

More than 95% of India’s working women are informal workers, but they lack affordable services and…

harnessing the potential of the female workforce

New employment opportunities open up for women in gig, platform and care economy New employment opportunities…

India’s falling graph in occupational safety and health

There is a need for a comprehensive review of the labor inspection and labor statistical system.…

India’s economy and the challenge of informality

Policy efforts to formalize the economy will have limited results as most informal units are small…

Half a million Afghans jobless since Taliban takeover – Times of India

Kabul : International Labour Organization (ILO) has announced that half a million people have lost their…

Many challenges before trade unions

Trade unions’ movements against the Labor Code have failed in contrast to farmers’ protests. NS repeal…

COVID-19 as a story of job hardship and marginalization

The plight of Indian female migrant workers in West Asia highlights the lack of gender-centred, rights-based…

Pandemic impacts jobs worse than thought: United Nations – Times of India

GENEVA: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on jobs has been harder than ever, and a…