Don’t flush that pet fish or turtle down the toilet: CCMB scientist

Flushing pet fish or turtle down the toilet or releasing them in a pond, letting a…

37,000 Alien Species Catalogued, Cost Humans $423 Billion Per Year: Report

The number is trending upward, along with the bill for damage multiplying fourfold. (Representational) Paris: Invasive…

37,000 Alien Species Catalogued, Cost Humans $423 Billion Per Year: Report

The number is trending upward, along with the bill for damage multiplying fourfold. (Representational) Paris: Invasive…

A different kind of alien invasion: How exotic pets are a threat to Kerala’s biodiversity

The exotic pet trade is listed as one of the primary reasons for the spread of…

International Tiger Day: Time to stop a ‘green’ threat to India’s tiger habitat in depth – Times of India Videos

A recent study found that the Lantana camera has invaded more than 40 percent of India’s…